what should you be buying at the studios?

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this quiz will tell you what you should probably be buying the next time you either visit the tour or browse online... i personally would say buy everything but then i'm sure you don't want to have to borrow that large loan i mean imagine all the interest.....lol

if you choose to ignore your result then shame on you! how could you go against the fate of this quiz?? i'm telling you now tat j.k. won't be pleased with you....

Created by: liza
  1. where in the wizarding world would you go first?
  2. what is your fav subject??
  3. who's your best friend?
  4. whats your favourite thing to wear?
  5. what animal would you have as a pet if you could?
  6. where will you spend most of your time?
  7. what colour do you like most?
  8. who is teaching your class today?
  9. which potion or spell would you like?
  10. and finally: what will you be looking forward to eating in the great hall?

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Quiz topic: What should I be buying at the studios?
