what should ur name be NO RUDE COMMENTS

Wanna know what your name should really be? For girls only.. take the quiz.

See what your name should be and don't get upset with the answer please!

Created by: Hailey99861

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur hair color
  2. which do u prefer?
  3. um
  5. What is your eye color?
  6. umm a couple more question what do u wear?
  7. how old r u?
  8. if a doctor says how many cows does a raindeer eat per month what do u say?
  9. chuck or chick?(sorry i am hyper)
  10. umm i think this is last question?

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