r u a capable king/queen?

all right people i'm back, take my quiz and your all right in my book. this one see's if your roalty material.be nice w/comments i know i seemed a little rude but sorry i had a bad day(hums)oh sorry a little out of it today well i given you all the info you'll need so TAKE MY QUIZ

what will you get?Will you get the crown or fall down?Come on people get in thare and take my quiz!YES it's based on character but that should't be a problem 4 some of you:)hope every one likes i worked real hard on this so please comment! thanks

Created by: ginmay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you go to a party what do you whare?
  2. r u part of a nonprofet organzation or wish to be
  3. you see someone trip and spill there belongings do you help them
  4. your kingdom is at peace but it is still haveing finacial trouble what do you do?
  5. what would be the color of your crown (no effct)
  6. r u selfish
  7. you see a couple in danger of being headbutted over a cliff by a ram what do you do?
  8. hot or not?
  9. do you have a pet?
  10. would you risk your life for someone or somthing precious?

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