What should be your style? ^u^ (based on personality) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What should be your style? ^u^ (based on personality).
What should be your style? ^u^ (based on personality)
Your Result: Result #3
(First of all - this is based on ny opinion & which oufits I like or not like, & I don't own the images. I hope you like your result ^u^) You are / you like: 1) dark 2) introvert 3) like red & black 4) like M&Ms 5) like listening to music &/or playing (insert instrument name)
The outfit is cool looking sense black and green are my favorite colors and I also wear the emo style look alot to but the personality traits are off sense I hate people and am a loner. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Whoops... Sorry Xivian1 :( These were just a few outfits I really liked (& had an idea for a result)... These pictures were supossed to give an idea of what I/quiz think you could show with the way you look...
Nikt1 -
I can 100% confirm that i am not a female creature and i do not wish to wear neon pink anime clothing
Xivian11 -
Yay I guessed ^u^
Nikt1 -
- 1