what should be your Pakistani name?

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There are many smart peoples,but few are true geniuses.genius is a man who is having a good intelligence level every one is a genius there are so many losers but the have a talent.

Are you genius?do you have a good sense of humar .do you have a brainpower ?thank you so much for taking my quiz this is my first quiz plz like my quiz share it .

Created by: crazy
  1. What is best name?
  2. Describe your personality
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. Which language you like to speak
  5. How much time do you take to ready in morning
  6. How much your hair was long
  7. What is your favorite outfit
  8. What is your favorite animal
  9. What is your skin tone
  10. What is your favorite gem
  11. What is your zodiac sign
  12. What is your age

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Quiz topic: What should be my Pakistani name?