What should be your IQ number?

For Child Genius, you have to have a high IQ number. IQ's is your score of how smart you are. For 2014-2015 Child Genius winner, Vanya Shivashanker, she must had a really high IQ number.

What number is your IQ? Is it high? Or is it low? For all those questions in your brain space, it would ruin the IQ. Instead, try this quiz to see your IQ number!

Created by: Kyodai
  1. What is 12*12/(6*46)+199=?
  2. Take the average bones in a giraffe and multiply that by 1,544, what does that equal?
  3. How many liters are equal to 70 gallons?
  4. How many notes are in Mary Had A Little Lamb on the piano?
  5. What is the how do you spell the word that is pronounced ˈmi-nÉ™s-ËŒkyí¼l?
  6. What BEST fits in the blank? My mom _________ the salt to my dad.
  7. Take the letters in Wednesday and multiply that by Saturday, what does it get you?
  8. Humans make boogers because-
  9. What are you in a grade but learn things higher?
  10. IQ stands for-

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Quiz topic: What should be my IQ number?