What should be your eye color?

This is a quiz to see what your eye color should be. So please take this quiz! I'm sure it will make you happy! (I hope!!!) Some of the answers you pick might not have any effect at all. So just please take this quiz! Please!!! I'm beegging you!!! (I will be sooo happy if you take this quiz!!!)

This is a quiz to see what your eye color should be. So please take this quiz! I'm sure it will make you happy! (I hope!!!) Some of the answers you pick might not have any effect at all.

Created by: Ariana

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of day do you like?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. What color of hair do you want?
  4. What color of eyes do you want?
  5. What kind of costume do you want for Halloween?
  6. Who out of the Teen Titans are you most like?
  7. Who out of the three children of A Series of Unfortunate Events are you?
  8. What villan are you?
  9. Are you a Brownie or a BB?
  10. Which UB Funkey are you?

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Quiz topic: What should be my eye color?