What shopkin are you

There are a lot of shopkins around but which is for you.take this quiz to find out which shopkin suits you.allvery cute so why not take this quiz.take it please.

Do u know what shopkins suits you. You can only wonder but now you do not have to.take this one quiz and you will never wonder ever again which shopkin suits you.

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is your fav name.
  2. What color do you mostly wear.
  3. What color eyes do you have
  4. What shopkin do you think is cute.
  5. What shopkin do you think is the worst.
  6. Do you like shopkins
  7. Do u like this quiz
  8. Yes
  9. What do u like best
  10. Is sugar lump cuter with the sugar in her

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Quiz topic: What shopkin am I