What sexual is yours

Many of these quizzes aren't correct, but fun! So take this one to see what appeals to you most!❤️❤️❤️❤️😝😝😝😝 Gay, straight, pan, bi, unknown is up to you to discover... (Sorry I forgot asexual😢)

Will you become fabulous, straight as a stick, or in between? What are you waiting for, go have a little fun! Be open minded, for which LOVE IS LOVE❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

Created by: Sexpanda
  1. Have you had any loving feelings towards the same sex? (Other then family)
  2. Are you homophobic?
  3. Is gender necessary?
  4. Blue and pink define gender or not?
  5. What does it mean to have a different sexuality?
  6. If you were the opposite sex who'd you date
  7. Sorry I forgot asexual so if you got unsure then you are asexual
  8. Rate quiz
  9. If you get your sexuality would you care?
  10. Last question: Gay is cool or no

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Quiz topic: What sexual is mys