What sex are you?

You might think you know what sex you are, and, you are probably correct, what am I but a machine? Let me see if I can tell what sex you are, and if I don't, then you can feel smug.

This quiz consists of 12 questions to aid me to find out you sex, and no, it isn't just based of the option at the beginning asking what your gender is...that would be cheating...

Created by: Harry

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like boys?
  2. What is your favourite color?
  3. Do you hang out with friends a lot?
  4. Do you want to be the other sex?
  5. Do you like playing video games?
  6. What is your favourite sport?
  7. What is your favourite type of food?
  8. How long do you spend on hair/makeup?
  9. What do you say most?
  10. How do you see the human race?

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Quiz topic: What sex am I?