What Segurge Girl are you?

These characters are created by me, and are like my extra personalities. Segurge people were made up by me. They're really fun to draw. They are all very different.

As an autistic person, I love channeling my creativity into making different characters with different points of view. Enjoy this quiz, and good luck!!!

Created by: Sophia-Rose Black
  1. What is your favourite activity?
  2. Pick an outfit:
  3. Pick a way to relax:
  4. What sort of bestie would you choose?
  5. What makeup brand do you have?
  6. What is your fave go-to snack?
  7. What is your hair colour?
  8. What is your gender?
  9. What are your favourite haribos?
  10. Finally, did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Segurge Girl am I?
