What secret society should you belong to?

Hey, gotoquiz-ers! This quiz is for my friends and anyone who is interested in the book i’m currently writing! It’d be really cool if you check it out (this quiz would also make a lot more sense to you)! Thanks for … quizzing? :)

Oh damn it i have to write something here to!??? According to all known lawsof aviation,there is no way a beeshould be able to fly.Its wings are too small to getits fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't carewhat humans think is impossible.

Created by: Ur mum
  1. What would you rather be known as?
  2. What would you hate to be known as?
  3. You receive a mysterious letter from an anonymous person, telling you to meet them by the fountain in the courtyard, alone. They dont say what the meeting is for or what you will gain. Will you go?
  4. When i finish school, i want to be …..
  5. Light or dark?
  6. Left or right?
  7. Three boxes lay on a table in front of you, which one will you try to open?
  8. Choose one.
  9. What’s your favourite colour?
  10. Your best friend has just had a massive fight with their partner, who is also your friend. How do you act?

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Quiz topic: What secret society should I belong to?
