What Secret life of a Mermaid Character are you?

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This is a quiz about secret life of a mermaid which sadly is done :( this shows which SLM ccharacter you are! please have fun! Good luck! See you! Bye!

If your sad with your result(Tess) you just take it again! and hey, it's just a quiz! Not like, an award on quizzyness or anything? well, have fun and take a Quiz!!!

Created by: Jaime
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. what's your favorite color
  3. who is your favorite?
  4. What power do you want?
  5. Fav Place?
  6. What's the best movie?
  7. WHAT!!! 9 ALREADY!
  8. Who's channel is better?
  9. what's your favorite episode?
  10. BYE! :(

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Quiz topic: What Secret life of a Mermaid Character am I?