What season are you?

This is not a real quiz I will not tell you what season you are I’m just making fun of these types of quizzes for reasons I guess maybe uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yfcghcghvhjbhjhjkhscdjkbwddnm sdkjscdbyscigcwdiuhcdwojnndewknncjws bcjdsvsdhugdwuihdewjkeefnjkedbcjkwbedjheyiedgduiedhfuieehkjfberhjvfhejdvchewigdiuwdhdjkewhf

Created by: I dont have a name
  1. What season were you born in?
  2. Placeholder question
  3. Placeholder question
  4. Placeholder question
  5. Placeholder question
  6. Placeholder question
  7. Placeholder question
  8. Placeholder question
  9. Placeholder question
  10. Placeholder question

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Quiz topic: What season am I?

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