What Scrubs Character
[Turk is asking Dr. Kelso for a favor] Turk: Sir, I promise you, if you offer her the job again she'll say yes. And I'll do anything, I'll pick up extra shifts, I'll volunteer - I'll volunteer at the clinic; Whatever you want! Dr. Kelso: Ahh! I want you to kill the giant bat that's been living in my attic! Turk: You keep Enid in the attic?
urk: This is the reason why your headache didn't go away: That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth. [Dr. Cox and the pregnant Jordan are walking through towards a Nurses' Station] Dr. Cox: Yes, hello? Could we please get my hormonal, extremely annoying ex-wife's amnio underway? Jordan: Wow, I can't wait to write that down in the baby journal. [Dr. Cox grunts] Jordan: Could you be a bigger ass right now? Dr. Cox: Could you *have* a bigger ass right now? Elliot: My life is a mess! J.D.: At least you're pretty. Elliot: Yeah, well, pretty don't pay the rent! Carla: It does for my sister. Elliot: Oh, my God, your sister's a prostitute? Carla: She's a model. Come on, Elliot, we talked about thinking before we speak.