what school should you b in??

There are many smart people in the world and in there grades but only some can be in some grades while others are in highier or lower so take this quiz to find where you stand!

are you in pre-school or collage or some where in between find out now and see where you are!!!!!!!!!! its fun so take it and leave comments! thanks and enjoy!!!

Created by: lindsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 1+1=
  2. 5-5=
  3. what school are you in now
  4. last question!
  5. what color is the sky??
  6. what color is the grass
  7. if a house is blue what color is the house??
  8. are you having fun taking this quiz?
  9. do you like blocks?? (playing with them)

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Quiz topic: What school should I b in??