What!? Say that again!

I don't know what lis is so but I think it's brownie lover so if u like me take it cause I love brownies just like u would to now taking eem all!!!!!!!!

Hi I'm Bob not Bob I know it's a girl name but it starts with a I know bobla no can't be it baby allllllllli no not that etheir help me somebody plzzz

Created by: I forgot HELP!!!!!!
  1. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Want a brownie!!!!!!!!! No nuts!!!
  3. Are u a girl
  4. Are u a tomgirl,??!!!
  5. Are u a alien??!!!!!!!
  6. What about creeper!
  7. ...
  8. Im bored
  9. Tag your it tag tag your it
  10. Bye!!!

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