what sandwich are you

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i made this quiz while not sober so have fun, i need 150 charaters in this paragraph so have fun listening to my bulls---, while i try to type enough charaters

i did not calculate any of the scores, this is all random have, fun figuring out what your answer means. this paragraph also needs 150 characters, type type type

Created by: Me
  1. what is your favorite condiment
  2. what is your favorite lunch meat?
  3. what is your favorite cheese?
  4. why are you taking this quiz?
  5. i had ideas for the first three questions now im making stuff up
  6. do you like this quiz
  7. are you getting bored yet
  8. grilled or not grilled sandwiches?
  9. shouldve aske this earlier, but do you even like sanwiches
  10. last question, say bye byeee

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Quiz topic: What sandwich am I
