What's your Writing Class?

Thank you for looking into the Story Factory! It will be fabulous just having you here. But first, we need to identify your Writing Class. This quiz will help identify what your Writing Style is, but, it is not 100% accurate.

Your results are not saved as far as I know, so there is no danger of answering truthfully. If your results totally DO NOT match you, you do not have to go with it. This is just to help give you an idea of what you might be.

Created by: Pie
  1. Which of the following would be a good home that you could take and make it into a fabulous piece of writing?
  2. Part 2: Which of the following would be a good home that you could take and make it into a fabulous piece of writing?
  3. Which color is most appealing to you?
  4. Part 2: Which color is most appealing to you?
  5. Which of the following creature interests you the most?
  6. Part 2: Which of the following creature interests you the most?
  7. Which item could inspire you most to write a story?
  8. Part 2: Which item could inspire you most to write a story?
  9. Which of the following plots of a story would interest you most?
  10. Part 2: Which of the following plots of a story would interest you most?
  11. Which of the following scenes could you create into a story?
  12. Part 2: Which of the following scenes could you create into a story?
  13. Do you prefer to be alone or with a group of people?
  14. What's your favorite school subject?

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Quiz topic: What's my Writing Class?