what's your wepon

what's your weapon????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

do you have one???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: John Smith
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you're in a bar and when you get your tab you find yourself broke.
  2. 2 people are attacking at the same time.
  3. you're asked to surrender.
  4. you are being chased with a wall in front of you.
  5. you're far away but the enemy is in your range.
  6. you're in the hunger games and careers are surrounding you.
  7. you're protecting your friend from an enemy, but your other friend also needs help.
  8. some buff guy wants to arm wrestle you. what do you do??
  9. what do you wear??
  10. AND... moto--

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Quiz topic: What's my wepon