What's your warrior cat name? | Comments

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  • Frostkit was born to be the leader of Windclan. Even when she was a kit she was tough, brave and responsible. So when she became a "paw", the leader of WindClan, Breezestar, took her as his apprentice. She trained very hard, moons passed, and she finally got her warrior name, Frostcloud. After a few more moons she became the deputy. The leader lost his last life fighting a fox. And soon Frostcloud became Froststar and led the clan in peace.

  • I am so sorry about the typing errors. My dog, Jewel, a Cavalier King Charels Spaniel keep licking my hand while I am typing so Im sorry.

  • HOW DARE YOU NOT HAVE JAYFEATHER FOR "WHOSE YOUR FAVORITE CAT"? Other than that, it's pretty good.


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