What's Your Warrior Cat Name?

Hey everyone! Welcome to my quiz! You will get a role, a clan, a name, and a detailed-description of your cat! Sure, you may think that this is weird, believing what this stranger says, but trust me! It's gonna be good!

If you don't like your result, then try again! There are many different options that you can get! I believe that this quiz is fairly accurate and so do all of my friends! Have fun and continue quizzing!

Created by: Disco Kitty
  1. Your clan is stuck in the camp in a forest fire! Who would you help?
  2. You are looking for a mate. What would you try to find in one?
  3. What Clan do you want to be in?
  4. Do you have a sense of humor?
  5. What does your name start with?
  6. What kind of candy do you like? (Trust me, it CAN effect your answer! XD)
  7. What is your favorite fur color?
  8. Give one adjective to describe yourself.
  9. What position do you think you'd be in?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (This question effects your score, so choose wisely)

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Quiz topic: What's my Warrior Cat Name?
