What's Your True Blood Type/Group?

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"Everyone haves a blood type. And their blood type is tell their personality. How about you?" hjdhjehyxcj fhdhje fjdkswikqpq chfhedhxc fhhhdxu sdosodx

"Are your blood type is your real blood type? The blood types is A, B, O and AB. This quiz is help you to know it!" bfdhhjgx fhdhjxfch qphdhjy fhdhgfu

Created by: Amy Christian
  1. What's your personality?
  2. What's your favourite colour and lesson?
  3. If you do a presentation with your group, and someone comment "You are more confident, brave and your voice is louder than another, good job!" What's you do?
  4. Who is your favourite famous people?
  5. What's your music type?
  6. What's you want to be?
  7. What's you favourite dog breed?
  8. What's your element?
  9. What's your blood type?
  10. What's your Zodiac? No effects!
  11. What's your first letter?
  12. Did you ever crying (Not tears of sadness bud Tears Of Happiness)?
  13. The last question. How long you and your best friend be friend? (If you a girl, your guy best friend. If you a guy, your girl best friend) Don't cheating!

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Quiz topic: What's my True Blood Type/Group?