what's your superpower?

hi! this is my first quiz, so please forgive me if it's bad. in this quiz, you will learn your power. the three options are : ice, water, and fire.

please don't be sad if you don't get the power you want. remember to submit honest answers. please, please, please, enjoy this quiz. I hope you enjoy it!!!

Created by: olivia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you like to do on Saturdays?
  2. what's your favorite food?
  3. what's your favorite book?
  4. which of these powers would you like to have?
  5. do you think this is a good quiz so far?
  6. which element?
  7. favorite electronic device?
  8. type of clothing?
  9. do you like school?
  10. last question!

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Quiz topic: What's my superpower?