What's Your Sexuality?

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Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Well, I think this quiz might help you. It might not be a for sure evaluation, however it might help you figure yourself out.

When you're figuring out your sexuality, it's important to know that a quiz can't figure it out for you. It can only help you see what your possibility might be. Still, it might be an important part in figuring stuff out.

Created by: Eben
  1. Who, if anyone, have you had sexual attraction to?
  2. Would you date someone of the opposite gender?
  3. Would you date someone of the same gender?
  4. Who do you get emotionally attracted to?
  5. Which gender would you crush on more frequently?
  6. If someone of the same gender as you asked you out, how would you react?
  7. Who do you find physically the most attractive?
  8. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?
  9. How would you react if your best friend came out as gay?
  10. Do you like movies about homosexual couples?

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Quiz topic: What's my Sexuality?

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