what's your race?

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Do you really know what you are? Well if you want to find out, check out my quiz. Come find out your race!!!! Some things are hidden, it's up to you too go find out.

Come find out what you are, do you think you could be a vampire?????? Well if you think do come take my quiz.My quiz will tell you if your a werewolf or something special!!!

Created by: Taylor Fisher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like the nighttime or daytime?
  2. What's your fav food?
  3. How much food do you need to feel full?
  4. Your halfway done!!!!! :-)
  5. Have you read any of Taylor's story's?
  6. Have you read any of Clare Cassandra's books?
  7. If you could have one power, what would it be?
  8. Do you ever wish to change your name?
  9. Almost done?
  10. What's your fav thing to do?

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Quiz topic: What's my race?