What's Your Post-Left Archetype

This is a quiz (based on a tag yourself meme) that seeks to analyze which sort of post-left anarchist you are, based on eight archetypes. This isn't all-encompassing, but no quiz is.

Many questions will not have "neutral" options- in these cases choose whichever one you align with most if none perfectly define you, for the sake of getting less neutral results.

Created by: Grubbus
  1. Do you focus more on post-leftist theory or praxis?
  2. Do you want to see civilization as we know it crumble?
  3. Which Theorist do you like most?
  4. What is your favorite activity?
  5. How gay are you?
  6. How do you feel about squatting?
  7. How do you feel about postmodernism?
  8. How many hours do you spend on the internet in a day?
  9. Which punk subgenre is your favorite?
  10. A Question about Crime:

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Quiz topic: What's my Post-Left Archetype
