What's Your Positive Side?

There are those who put friends first. Those who are optimistic and oblivious to all badness. Those who read and read, study and study, and get those elusive A+++s (and care about the fact that I misspelled "elusive"), there are those people who are boring and down-to-earth (but not always boring, mind you), and those who are completely romantic and in love, or searching for love. What are you? They're all good, don't worry about your outcome! Be happy with them all!

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start the quiz! C'mon! If you're still sitting there reading this, you're not taking the quiz! Go! Go! Go! Why are you still reading? Take the quiz! Take it! I triple-dog-dare you!

Created by: James
Personality Test
  1. You have some free time on your hands. You...
  2. Your best friend is hurt. You...
  3. You're watching a movie. You take...
  4. You're watching a movie. It is...
  5. You're playing a PC game. It is...
  6. You've been staying up late...
  7. Do you like this quiz? Don't worry, I just have to waste some questions.
  8. Why did you take this quiz?
  9. Are you going to comment on this quiz?
  10. Last question! Well, not a question anymore...

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Quiz topic: What's my Positive Side?