What's Your Personality? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's Your Personality?
Your Result: People-Pleaser
When you get judged, you are not offended but you can take it to the heart. Speaking of the heart, that is usually what you end up following. You trust yourself, and mainly you can be a bit of a people pleaser. You do whatever you can to make sure other people are happy, and you hate being judged. You act as if you don’t care, but inside you do. You are very sweethearted and kind, and you stand up for people who can’t do so themselves. You hate it when people feel pain, or when people experience the same pain you have ever experienced. You put other people first, and you make sure everybody else is happy before you are.
so me
xevx1 -
I got loner and personally I am defenatitly NOT a loner. I'm not going to rate this quiz but it was very interesting. Bye the way I have 5 very close friends. Tori,Larissa,Alyssa ,Rebecca,and Izzy. So hears to you .
I got outgoing. That is somewhat true. Interesting quiz. I like the question about the person that says something nasty to you. I answered that i would trip them. haha :D
I just took the mood quiz and got gloomy now I'm annoyed, I got high maintainence. It is my way or the highway often cause I'm right but I'm not bossy and I should have gotten loner.
I got peacemaker :) i love it when people get along and i do have crazy expectations of people lol :)
I got Mature too! I like this quiz. I wish it luck on getting to the top 40! There are other quizzes that shouldn't be on there!
Outgoing then short-tempered. True.
I got mature!
Aryanna1 -
I got "Mature". Some of it is true.
I got "Mature". Some of it is true.
Thank you all for taking my quiz! (:^D)
i got high maitinence. i guess i am bossy, everyone is baisicly afraid of me, even the boys.
i got out going witch i can see so i guess this quiz is rite
harebare1 -
i got high maitinence. that can be true
lONER. Just Me, My Self, and I.
- 1