What's your personality?

This quiz will see what your personality is based on your answers. Answer all the questions. Read the questions carefully. If you fail to meet the requirements you will turn away from your device, go outside, and touch grass.

You have been warned. Heed the warning or suffer boredom eternal. Have fun. Don't leave any answers blank. If you have blank answers, you'll have to take the quiz again.

Created by: Daniel Boyer
  1. Do you get up in other peoples' business wondering what they're doing?
  2. Do you interrupt people to say something stupid?
  3. What's your favorite color out of these?
  4. Do you talk non-stop?
  5. Do people laugh at your jokes?
  6. Do you have any friends?
  7. Are you vengeful?
  8. Do you like math?
  9. What's your favorite pass time?
  10. Do you insult people for fun?

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Quiz topic: What's my personality?
