what's your personality?

for this quiz you will learn you personality type there is more personality types but i just picked the types that are most common types and this is not the best quiz.

yet i did try my best to create this quiz i know some of you guys are not any of those personality types but if your not then just comment! also comment your score at the end please!

Created by: unicorns4life
  1. are you always..
  2. where do you hangout with your friends at?
  3. what do you do over the weekends?
  4. whats you favorite color?
  5. when you walk into a party you...
  6. what type of board game would you play with your friends or some kind of game
  7. whats you favorite animal?
  8. what do you want to be when you grow up
  9. what continent or country or state would you want to live in?
  10. what time in the morning do you wake up at?

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Quiz topic: What's my personality?
