What's your name for girls

There are so many people who like to take quizzes so if you do take my quiz.it tells you what your inner name is.it could be your friends name so take my quiz.

If you are really a genius take my quiz to find out your true name for girls.if you don't like your own name you can get a new one by takin this quiz.

Created by: Ashley Neufeld
  1. What's your favorite song writer
  2. What's your favorite color
  3. What is your favorite name
  4. What's your name start with now
  5. What is your favorite snack
  6. What's your talent
  7. What is your favorite animal
  8. What toy do you like
  9. Do you like go to quiz.com
  10. Do you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What's my name for girls