What's Your My Hero Academia Quirk? (Custom Quirks)

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damn, i haven't made a quiz in a long time! well, here you go! and i made all the quirks myself :D i'm so proud of myself. and hey, if one of my quirks sounds suspiciously similar to yours, i promise i didn't copy anything!

this is also a level up quiz so if you could comment and rate then that would be amazing! please drink plenty of water and stay safe, i love you all so much <3 thanks for taking my quiz!

Created by: shattered dreams
  1. first things first: favorite color?
  2. what's your favorite canon quirk out of these?
  3. what would be your response to "i love you" ?
  4. what do you think is your purpose in life?
  5. do you think you're a good friend to you friends?
  6. choose a f..d
  7. what about physical attributes? what color is your hair?
  8. if you could visit any of the locations listed below, where would you go?
  9. how do you deal with anger?
  10. well, this is the end of the quiz! i hope you enjoyed it. g'bye :D

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Quiz topic: What's my My Hero Academia Quirk? (Custom Quirks)
