What's your inner Kigurumi?

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Since the dawn of mankind we've been asking ourselves, what's my inner animal? What does it say about me? Will my life change completely when i find out?The answer of course is yes, yes even more when you find our your inner Kigurumi.

Are your a monkey? How about a Zebra! No wait what about seals?! There's too many choices! Now you can find our what your inner Kigurumi is! Take our quiz to find out!

Created by: Kigurumi Canada of Kigurumi.ca
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a color
  2. Pick a location
  3. Pick a food.
  4. Pick a personality trait
  5. Pick an accent.
  6. Pick a season
  7. Simpsons or Family Guy?
  8. Pick a shape
  9. Pick a planet
  10. Pick a dessert

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Quiz topic: What's my inner Kigurumi?