What's Your Inner Animal? | Comments

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  • Congrattss!! You can move your head like Linda Blair! You're smart and you're not afraid to show it off to. You're wisdom is second to none. You're known as the brain of your group and your the person people come to when they need help on their work. (Or when they feel like cheating)

    You're a giraffe!!!
    You're a lizard!!!
    You're a panda!!!
    You're a wolf!!!
    You're a lion!!!
    You're a parakeet!!!
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    What's your inner animal? Your Result: You're an owl!!!Congrattss!! You can move your head like Linda Blair! You're smart and you're not afraid to show it off to. You're wisdom is second to none. You're known as the brain of your group and your the person people come to when they need help on their work. (Or when they feel like cheating)You're a giraffe!!!You're a lizard!!!You're a panda!!!You're a wolf!!!You're a lion!!!You're a parakeet!!!What's your inner animal?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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    teen_liv es3345 said:

    for whats your innner animal i chose lion/wolf but now im a panda? wtf?

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    Thanks for taking the inner animal quiz, I know it may be kind of short but this is my first quiz! If you're not satisfied with the results you could either A) retake it in hopes of getting an animal you actually like or B) DEAL WITH IT

    "What's your inner animal?" was created by Ashley

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  • for whats your innner animal i chose lion/wolf but now im a panda? wtf?


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