What's your harry potter house( FOR PEOPLE INTO TYPOLOGY)

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Welcome typology folk to my quiz about finding your hogwarts house through typology. you yourself don't have to align with given house it's just for your typology to align with.

think of the house your given as your typology's house but if you align with given house when double yay!!!!!!!!! cognitive functions the enneagram and more used.

  1. do you use introverted feeling or extraverted feeling
  2. do you use extraverted thinking or introverted thinking ?
  3. Do you use extraverted sensing or introverted sensing?
  4. do you use extroverted intuition or introverted intuition?
  5. Now is your enneagram type in the heart triad ( 2,3,4) head triad (5,6,7) or gut triad ( 8,9.1) ?
  6. which heart triad type is in your tritype?
  7. which head triad type is in your tritype?
  8. which gut triad type is in your tritype?
  9. now for attitudinal psyche, which position is emotion in?
  10. which position is logic in?
  11. which position is physics in?
  12. which position is volition in?
  13. Which is your main temperament?
  14. Which is your secondary temperament?
  15. and lastly which of these three words could be use to describe you

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Quiz topic: What's my harry potter house( FOR PEOPLE INTO TYPOLOGY)
