What's your freaky power

Ok in this quiz you will ultimatley find out your natural born powers thats been hiding insie of you for so long anfd just has..... to come out so go find out

maybe u can fly read minds eat skateboards see................. you will never ever know your true power unless you take this unique quiz go for it i gice you permission :)

Created by: britain

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Choose your favorite color
  2. What power is truely your favorite
  3. Favorite animal
  4. Favorite Element
  5. Do you watch t.v. shows involving powers?
  6. Favorite holiday
  7. is this quiz fun?
  8. whats better hamburgers or hotdogs>
  9. u like to...
  10. are you excited about your score or what?

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Quiz topic: What's my freaky power