What's your fashion style? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's your fashion style?
Your Result: Chic/ Trendy
You follow those fashion mags religiously! Fend, Coach, MAC, Juicy- you have it all! You can't resist Those trendy wedges or Gucci oversize bag- you love all things in the fashion world! :D
Not true. I can afford designer stuff, but I prefer to wear the non-labels. Ppl still like what I look like, and ask what brands they are. xD
I got chic/trendy! Cool quiz, but I don't wear designer clothes or read fashion mags!!! I wear Aeropostale and short shorts like a normal person, but I do straighten my hair and wear make-up, I wanna look pretty;D Actually, I probably would wear designer clothes if I could afford them:) Cool quiz anyway!!!:D
Welcome to GTQ, Glitterchick97! I dont like fashion. All it does it brain washes people.
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