What's your faction?

Have you ever sat and wondered "If DIVERGENT were real, what would me faction be?" Take this to find out what factoin you would belong in... If there were factions.

Candor,Amity,Dauntless,Abnegation,Or Erudite... Where would you go? Take this test/quiz and find out what faction you would belong in, If there were any.

Created by: Rachel Wang

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You see a factionless (or homeless) person on the street... what do you do?
  2. Where do you want to be?
  3. You see a knife and cheese... which do you take?
  4. You see an attack dog ready to pounce onto a little kid... what's your reaction?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. If a friend picks before you, would you pick the same place just so you don't have to lose them?
  7. Would you rather kill yourself, or others?
  8. Your friends and family are in danger... do you save them or yourself?
  9. You see another in combat... do you take their place?
  10. Where do you THINK you will be?

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Quiz topic: What's my faction?