What's your dragon and who's your mate

Do you want to be a dragon find out. There are 4 dragons to see and become. Maybe your nice maybe your fierce it will help you decide what dragon you want to become !

Come on be coooooooooool and choose here you will love it.please enjoy I garuntee you no harm done. I am not mean and make an insult. If you feel insulted it is on me and I apologize .

Created by: Josh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you male or f male
  2. Do you like being powerful or kind
  3. Do you want to be fast or big
  4. Do you want to be loving or do you want to steal
  5. Smart or average
  6. Love to fly
  7. Swift or smashing
  8. Wind or fire
  9. Do you like quiz
  10. Ready or nervous

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Quiz topic: What's my dragon and who's my mate