What's your colour?

There are many popular people and unpopular people but whatever you are be proud of it. Don't try to impress other people because they will already like you as you.

Do not look at magazines of pretty people because it only makes you self consous. Be you and not a model and be proud of it wether you are small or tall or fat or thin.

Created by: Immy Taylor

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. Are you popular?
  3. Why u taking this quiz?
  4. How do u say hi?
  5. Do u like this quiz?
  6. How old is ur mum?
  7. What ur favourite food?
  8. What's ur favourite holiday?
  9. What's ur favourite month?
  10. Part two fave month?

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Quiz topic: What's my colour?