What's Your Black Friday Shopping Style?

This quiz was made on 11/26/10 mainly because it was Black Friday and to see what kind of shopper you would be on Black Friday, but you can use it on any day to find out what kind of shopper you are.

What kind of shopper are YOU? Find out today and you can find out what kind of shopper you are or would you be! Please take but realize it's not the best quiz. It was made quick.

Created by: tomboykaitie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How early are you willing to wake up?
  2. On any other day, how long do you spend shopping?
  3. What is easier for you?
  4. How patient are you?
  5. You decided to shop at a local store, but as soon as you step foot in, you realize how crowded it is. How do you react?
  6. You decided to shop online. What stores are you shopping at online?
  7. How much money do you have?
  8. You want to get:
  9. You could walk around a store for:
  10. How many people are you willing to shop with?
  11. Do you even like shopping?

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Quiz topic: What's my Black Friday Shopping Style?