What's your age?

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There are lots of numbers in this big world. In this quiz you will find out your age. If that is not your age then I am really sorry but I tried my best.

What's your age? This quiz is just for fun. So that means that you might get a totally different age then you actually are. So I hope you enjoy this quiz.

Created by: Manmeet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. Hi
  3. Do u like your sibling!
  4. Do you go to primary school,high school or university?
  5. How many friends do you have?(It doesn't count the guy that you met down the street a day and were friends for like 2 minutes.)
  6. Boom
  7. Are you excited for your result?
  8. Are you going to rate?(no effect)
  9. Are you going to comment?(no effect)
  10. Bye(no effect)

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Quiz topic: What's my age?