What's My Mental Age??

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There are young and old people in the world. Some of them are still studying in the school and some of them have graduated from school to look for works. However, some people have different mental age. Mental age actually means your "how-to-think" age. If your mental age is below ten, you are mostly childish and vice versa. Some of you may already know yours, some don't. Are you the one who's having trouble to identify yours? This is the right quiz for you, just take on honestly and click submit! ^o^

Thank you for taking my quiz. My only hope is that you have your mental age exactly the same as your real/physical age. Rate and comment what you get, have a nice day!

Created by: Jewley
  1. What movie genre do you most like to watch?
  2. Which would you choose to do with two hours of free time?
  3. Which would you choose to do with two hours of free time?
  4. Which of these foods would you most prefer to eat?
  5. If a guy were to approach you and say "You're cute," what would you most likely say to him?
  6. What do you think of homework?
  7. What do you think of candy?
  8. What colors do you like most?
  9. What do you think of kids?
  10. What do you think about the iPad?

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