What's My Comcast Name?

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Comcast is well-known for their s---ty customer service. This quiz asks basic questions about your Comcast service and just how bad your experiences have been.

In order to classify its customers, Comcast has used customer service to assign new names to people who aren't 100% happy with them. That includes everyone still breathing.

Created by: realspear
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How big is your Comcast bill?
  2. How many times have you called Comcast in the last year for help?
  3. Do you have Xfinity Triple Play?
  4. Does your Comcast internet service suck?
  5. Do you favor net neutrality?
  6. What time of day does your Comcast internet service slow down?
  7. Do you have HD service from Comcast
  8. Has Comcast ever tried to say you didn't return equipment that you know you returned?
  9. Has Comcast every over-billed you?
  10. Do you know about alternatives to Comcast in your area?

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