What's da result? (Love Version 1)

Love is powerful. It can do wonders and make miricles. It is blind, to race, to looks. And there's only one person for you. You have to make sure to choose that person.

This quiz is about choosing that person...and your love story. There are two ways this can end. Go on...take it. You know you want to. OH and it is about two boys...so if you dont like boys you dont have to take the quiz.

Created by: Bella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok! Let's begin by learning about YOU. How would you describe yourself- personality wise?
  2. How would you describe yourself- looks wise?
  3. Ok, so you have just applied to the college of your dreams...and you get in! You pack your stuff and jet out of your small 600 people town. You unpack at your dorm. In comes Jake, with steamy blue eyes and blonde hair. He whistles and cracks a stupid pickup line.
  4. Jake leaves. A few minutes later, David comes in, with greenish-gray eyes and brunette hair. He's cute too, in a Boy Scout sorta way. He introduces himself and you guys have a mature, comedic, and flirt conversation.
  5. Jake asks you out to a party. There will be drinks there. And you're underage.
  6. David asks you you out to a walk on the beach. He admit how much he likes you.
  7. You can't choose who to go with. Or maybe you did. I dunno.
  8. You go with Jake to the party. He's drunk and starts to kiss you.
  9. You go to to Lovers Cove with David. He packed a nice sandwich and salad for you too. You talk about each other and he lightly kisses you.
  10. It's the end of freshman year. They both want to talk to you. Jake talks to you first. He says "I don't like commitement. But I like you. You're hot. I will give you anything you need, romantically. My daddy's rich. Come with me baby, and you'll be happy."
  11. David says he loves you. "I will love you until the end of time. I will marry you and never cheat, steal, or lie. I will give you all my love, always, no matter what I say or do, or what you say or do, I will never stop loving you. Will you?"
  12. Last Question. Who do you choose?

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