What rpg class are you?

I bet you wanna know what rpg class you are. A thief? A warrior? a ranger? Quick? Sneaky? Brute? Find out your best rpg class with this quiz :DDD -firecage999

So what are you?? Take the quiz now!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: firecage999
  1. What weapon do you use?
  2. What armor?
  3. You are hired to kill a bandit. How do you do it?
  4. Your kingdoms enemy kingdom has a new king, who is even MORE STUPID than the last. What do you do?
  5. Person tell you to kill an innocent person. You...
  6. Which is best, stealth, speed, strength or wisdom.
  7. What guild?
  8. Spirit or physicality?
  9. Where do you spend your free time?
  10. Your common dialect:

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Quiz topic: What rpg class am I?