What Rojava Tabur should you join?

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What unit should you join if you decide to go to Rojava? This thing makes me do 120 chars in this box so gonna write some random stuff, wow actually its 150.

Federaliya Demokratîk a Bakûrê Sûriyê (bi erebî: , bi asûrî: ), navê perçeyekî Kurdistanê ye, ku dikeve nav sînorên Sûriyê. Rojavaya Kurdistanê, Rojavayê Kurdistanê an bi kurte Rojava tê zanîn.

Created by: Stefan Bertram-Lee of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Why did you come to Rojava?
  2. How long are you planning on staying?
  3. Do you feel the YPG International basic training will be enough for you?
  4. Are you planning on learning a language?
  5. Does it bother you that you'll have to stay sober the whole trip?
  6. Are religious?
  7. What do you think of YPG's enforced celibacy and morality laws on things like not showing skin above the elbow or on the chest?
  8. What do you think about Abdullah Ocalan?
  9. What do you think about the deal with Assad?
  10. What is your hope for the end of this war?

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Quiz topic: What Rojava Tabur should I join?
