What Rochester High School Are You

This is a quiz to see what Rochester High School you really belong at. We require a two paragraph description of your quiz. We do this so that when people go to take your quiz, they will know what it is about. This description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create it, hints at the possible outcomes, and so on. Please use good English, no net-speak (such as ur, b4, luv, etc), and put some effort into it.

John Marshall, Mayo, Century or Lourdes. We require a two paragraph description of your quiz. We do this so that when people go to take your quiz, they will know what it is about. This description is important. You can use these two paragraphs to discuss the topic of the quiz, why you were motivated to create it, hints at the possible outcomes, and so on. Please use good English, no net-speak (such as ur, b4, luv, etc), and put some effort into it.

Created by: Eric

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What sports are your school good at?
  2. Describe your school
  3. What are the students like?
  4. What is your band like?
  5. Whats your mascot?
  6. Who is your biggest rivals?
  7. What do you do on the weekends?
  8. What do you chant at games?
  9. What do you think about JM?
  10. Why is your school the best?

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Quiz topic: What Rochester High School am I