What Riding Discipline Suits You.

Hello! and welcome to my quiz! I have made two other quizzes as well, but this is probably my favorite one so far! This will (semi-accurately) tell you what discipline either suits you or you do. But there are many factors and in this quiz I mostly refer to the higher levels of these sports.

Also just remember this is all for fun and not entirely accurate. As some factors are not included. Anyway if you like it please give it a good rating!

Created by: jjjjjjjjjjj
  1. What is your preferred tack style?
  2. Which horse would you choose to OWN?
  3. Which place sounds best to work your horse in?
  4. Which sounds like your ideal house?
  5. Which person would you love to ride with?
  6. Which temperament is best for your discipline.
  7. What does the horse you Own/Ride/Lease do best?
  8. What color is most popular in your discipline?
  9. Do horses in your discipline spook when seeing wildlife.
  10. Does your horse have good stamina?
  11. Have you ever jumped?
  12. What color do you go with at shows?
  13. Where (roughly) do you live?
  14. If you owned a OTTB would you be looked down upon in your discipline?
  15. What describes your personality best?
  16. In your discipline do people judge your equitation?
  17. What riding gear is the usual for your discipline?
  18. How often do you ride?
  19. Are unregistered horses looked down upon in your discipline?
  20. Which horse breed would you choose to OWN?
  21. What's your best friend like?
  22. What type of horse would you like?
  23. Which dog would suit you best?
  24. What does your horse enjoy the most?
  25. Where does your horse spend most of their time?
  26. What is the main type of feed in your horses diet?
  27. Is your discipline timed?
  28. Do you ride?
  29. Are you easy going?
  30. Which job sounds best to you?
  31. What is your horses hoof situation?
  32. What mane style does your horse have?

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Quiz topic: What Riding Discipline suits me.
